Instantly connect through texting

Instantly connect through texting

Instantly connect through texting

Communicate seamlessly via text messaging and more.

Communicate seamlessly via text messaging and more.

No credit card required.

No credit card required.

No credit card required.

Trusted by

Trusted by

Review Invites

Review Invites

Review Invites

Ask customers to leave a great reviews online.

Ask customers to leave a great reviews online.

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Saved Templates

Saved Templates

Saved Templates

Use templates for easy and quick access.

Use templates for easy and quick access.

Use templates for easy and quick access.

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And so much more…

Frequently Asked

Frequently Asked

Frequently Asked

What is Apothefy?

It's a communications and engagement platform that lets you communicate via text. You can instantly connect with customers simply through text messaging. It allows them to respond asynchronously because – let's face it – we are all busy. And, most importantly, you can get your work done without waiting on phone calls.

How does it work?

It’s simple – you can text your customers and they can text you back. It’s a two-way conversation, but more efficient because it’s asynchronous. You don’t wait for them and they don’t wait for you.

Can I cancel anytime?

Yes – of course! You’re billed monthly but you can cancel anytime. We’ll only charge you for that given month.

Can we use our number?

That’s exactly how it works! You can bring your current phone number. Your customers can text that number directly.

What else is possible via texting?

Texting opens up other possibilities you might not have thought of before. For instance, you can ask your customers to leave great reviews via text. Or, you can quickly keep them updated on important information – where it doesn’t necessitate calling them. It’s an open communication channel – 24/7.







Custom number

200 messages monthly

Ongoing support


2 campaigns/month

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Custom number

1000 messages monthly

Ongoing support

Generative AI


5 campaigns/month

AI Phone integration

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Custom number

Unlimited messages

Ongoing support


10 campaigns/month

Fast AI phone integration

Unlimited hours of AI Phone

Secure image or file sharing

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Start a free trial

Start a free trial

No credit card required.

© apothefy 2024